Self-compassion in the workplace

Life and work are increasingly stressful for us all. Research shows that self-compassion is a powerful protective factor in a wide range of wellbeing indicators, enabling us to increase our emotional resilience and reduce burnout.

Developing our self-compassion helps us to respond more successfully to the daily challenges we face in our workplaces while improving our health and wellbeing in our working lives.

It is successfully used by many organisations as an invaluable tool to counter stress-based absence and to build a more compassionate culture. Adopting this approach is also the foundation for showing authentic and sustained compassion to others and is core to developing both compassionate leaders and a compassionate organisation.

Improving self-criticism and self-sabotaging behaviour

When we experience a difficult situation at work, all too often, our natural instinct is to blame ourselves and judge ourselves as having failed. However, if we can show ourselves the same compassion as we would a friend, accept everyone makes mistakes and stop our negative emotions from taking over, we are showing self-compassion. And strengthening our ability to use self-compassion, makes us much more likely to be able to bounce back and improve our performance.

And the best news is that self-compassion is an entirely trainable skill. Drawing upon our occupational psychology background, our approach teaches the science behind self-compassion and its core components of Self-Kindness, Common Humanity and Mindfulness.

Self-compassion exercises and practices

Our approach is based on understanding why we need self-compassion and how it assists us in our life and work. Working through the theory as well as the practice of self-compassion, our programmes use a combination of recorded webinars, self-compassion exercises , podcasts and practical tasks to embed the learning.

A young white woman with curly, dark brown hair in professional business clothes is facing the camera and smiling.

Self-Compassion at Work Programme

This innovative user-friendly programme, delivered across four modules, is based on the latest academic literature, data and best practice in the field of self-compassion.

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Self-Compassion at Work Programme

Our Self-Compassion at Work programme is a unique, online programme which enables anyone to develop their self-compassion in their own time and at their own pace. It has been designed using the latest research and best practice in the field of mindful self-compassion.

The programme delivers four modules via training webinars, to introduce the science and work through practical exercises to learn about the components behind Self-Compassion of Self-Kindness, Common Humanity and Mindfulness. This programme provides all the tools and techniques you require to enact self-compassion in your day to day working life. These include short practical tasks, a reflective daily diary, action plans to chart progress and full instructions.

Many organisations are using this programme as a key part of their Health and Wellbeing strategy, making it freely available for staff members to learn how to bring this approach into their work and lives.

Rigorous research with a large group of working professionals has shown how this self-guided online intervention brings significant improvements for participants in their mental wellbeing, stress and burnout levels. Our White Paper summarising the findings of this research can be found here.

Countering compassion fatigue in the public sector

The alarming rates of stress and burnout amongst public servants particularly in the period since the Covid-19 pandemic, places them at greater risk of compassion fatigue. We have therefore created a special version of our Self-Compassion at Work programme for employees in the public sector. Click here for information about our Public Sector Self-Compassion at Work programme.

The Self-Compassion at Work programme’s four modules cover the following

Module One

Introduction to the Self-Compassion at Work Programme and background to Self-Compassion and how this approach can assist us in our day to day lives and work

Module Two

Introduction to Self-Kindness, overcoming self-criticism and increasing self-acceptance

Module Three

Introduction to Common Humanity and overcoming isolation and Introduction to Mindfulness and overcoming overidentification with our thoughts and feelings

Module Four

Introduction to Developing and Maintaining your Self-Compassion Practice beyond the programme

£39.50 (inc VAT)

If you’re ready to start treating yourself with the same compassion and understanding that you offer to others, then this cost-effective, online programme is for you. It costs £39.50. (If using a discount code, please enter this on the checkout page prior to payment). Once payment is received you will automatically receive an email with the instructions, materials and links to the webinars as a set of downloads to the email address you provide at checkout.

And to make it even easier to get started, we’re offering a special discount for our online visitors. Just use the code GRATITUDE at checkout to receive 10% off your order.

We offer volume discounts for this evidence-based, online programme for 50+ participants. Enquire here for bespoke group rates.

Introduction to Self-Compassion at Work Workshop

To help access the benefits of self-compassion development for your workforce, we also offer a one and a half hour live online introductory session led by an occupational psychologist. This gives the opportunity for up to 12 participants to be introduced to the theory and practice of self-compassion in the workplace including self-compassion exercises and techniques for improved health and wellbeing. Discussion and questions are encouraged and participants leave with a clear understanding of how they can apply self-compassion to their own working lives.

Testimonial from a commissioning organisation:

“As part of our ongoing commitment to support staff health and wellbeing, we have continued our work with Amanda Super in this academic year as the Self-Compassion in the Workplace sessions have received very positive evaluations.”
Daniela Bultoc (Senior Organisational Development Consultant and Staff Wellbeing Strategic Lead) Imperial College London

To discuss our Self-Compassion at Work Programme or our Introduction to Self-Compassion Workshop for the staff in your organisation contact us on the form below.

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    Why Practice Self-Compassion?

    Research shows that people who are more self-compassionate are


    Practising self-compassion leads to more happiness, optimism, gratitude and better relationships with others

    Less stressed

    Self-compassion is a powerful antidote to the self-criticism and perfectionistic thinking that can lead to stress, anxiety and depression

    More resilient

    Self-compassionate people bounce back more easily from set-backs and are more likely to learn from their mistakes


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